+255 65417 5049
Wagtech Projects (Tanzania) Limited
Office Address: No:3, Block No:95/1, 6 Guinea Road, Oyster Bay, Kinondoni, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
Postal Address: PO Box 4690, Dar es Salaam
Incorporation No: 159225828
E: info@wagtechprojectstanzania.com W: www.wagtechprojectstanzania.com
1 Wagtech Projects UK
3 Wagtech Environmental (Uganda) Ltd
5 Wagtech Malawi Ltd
6 Wagtech Zambia Ltd
7 Wagtech Environmental Uganda Limited
8 Wagtech Projects Rwanda
9 Wagtech Projects Tanzania
We are able to maintain our high standards globally, with our local agents. These not only
allow for smooth installation, but also
enable us to provide on-site training.
This sets Wagtech Projects apart from its competitors.
Wagtech Projects Ltd, Wagtech Court, Station Road, Thatcham Berkshire RG19 4HZ, UK
TEL: +44 (0) 1635 872929
FAX: +44 (0) 1635 862898
SALES: sales@wagtechprojects.com
CUSTOMER SERVICE: customer.service@wagtechprojects.com